Call Us 416.977.1414Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm    Sat - Sun: Closed

A Message to Patients: COVID-19

1- Prior to entering the office, Dr. Mohajer and/or his staff will ask you about the presence of any symptoms associated with COVID-19.

2-    One of our staff members will check your temperature with a non-contact infrared thermometer and prior to entering the office.

3-   If a patient reports or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, we are required to defer the appointment until the patient has consulted with their physician and/or after they are symptom-free following 14 days of self-isolation.

4-   You are required to wear your own mask at all times while in the office except during the provision of care. Patients who arrive without a mask are required to schedule a new appointment.

5-   Individuals accompanying a patient must wait outside the practice unless absolutely required (e.g., a parent accompanying a young child or a patient who requires accommodation).

6-   Patients (and guests) are required to perform hand hygiene with either 70-90% ABHR (Alcohol-Based Hand Rub) or soap and running water upon initial entry to the office. We will also provide you with a mouth wash to rinse for 30 seconds.

7-   A physical distance of at least 2 meters should be enforced between all individuals in the office, except when necessary (i.e. during the provision of care).