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Maintaining Your Oral Health During COVID-19

In response to the pandemic and the strong recommendations of our governing body (the Royal College of Dental Surgeons), we will be restricting our patient services to emergency/urgent care only. At Ari Dental, our patients’ health and well-being continue to be our top priority. If you are experiencing any form discomfort or dental emergency, please call our office and allow us to answer all your questions and concerns!

We understand that maintaining good oral hygiene may not be your top priority amid the pandemic but doing so is just as crucial as maintaining your mental and physical health. As you snack more throughout the day and secretly reach for the starchy/sugary foods hiding in our pantries, you are increasing your risk for tooth decay. In order to prevent putting your dental health at risk, it is crucial to keep up with your dental home-care.

How Should I Keep My Teeth Healthy During COVID-19? 1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day – make sure you do so for two minutes. 2. Floss once a day – I know I sound like a broken record, but FLOSSING is a MUST! 3. Maintain a well-balanced diet – avoid excessive snacking and reaching for sugary/starchy foods (a habit that is hard to resist when self-quarantining, we’ve all been there). 4. Avoid habits that may wreck your teeth – biting your nails as a coping mechanism and munching on excessive amounts of nuts, popcorn or sticky candies increase the risk of cracked teeth and damaged fillings. 5. Drink plenty of water – drinking water between meals helps wash away leftover food and residue. 6. Avoid smoking – we all know the harmful effects of smoking… this includes tooth staining, tooth loss, and gum disease.

We will continue to closely monitor and adjust to the rapidly changing situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. If you experience a dental emergency or have any questions, please contact Dr. Mohajeri directly at (416)-886-8879 or email us at As your trusted downtown Toronto dentist, we look forward to seeing you again soon and appreciate your patience and consideration.